Its TUESDAY TRIVIA NIGHT once again will the leggy MR. KING will be providing you with the structure and guidance your life has been looking for.
It's 2028 and you've made your plans to navigate the undulating contours of a world in arrears. You've packed your GO BAG and you've eaten your roommate's vitamins. Now its time to come PROVE YOUR WORTH and the vast complexities of useless information you've shoved up into your frontal lobe for a night just like TONIGHT.
What better place to do that than at IBW LODGE #1 in front of a whole room of moderately intoxicated yahoos?
The blood sport begins at 7:30pm, so you should probably show up around 6:30 to lay a base-coat and secure your thrown (or throne, either one).
DR. JUAN VERNON FORBUNCULUS, DDT will be on hand to lubricate your blowholes with THE ONLY BEER IN CHICAGO that has been scientifically proven to alter your DNA... and mostly for the better!
So, come on down and let your clown run around on the ground to the sound of humming birds in motion. It is the New Way.
We are here for you. We have always been here for you.
#Chicago #ibwlodge1
#chicagobeer #illinoiscraftbeer #drinklocal #norwoodpark #enjoywithpeopleyoutrust #trivia #tuesdaytrivianights #trustlager #mrking
Happy Hanukkah, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Kwanza, Happy Thorsday, Happy Happy.
Let the servants be served.
Happy Xmas everybody!!! I hope you're spending your day with people you love and strong drink.
WE'RE OPEN TONIGHT for service at 6pm. Join Handsome Rob for fresh beer and convalescence.
The final night of MURDER BINGO sponsored by @budandrita is tonight at 9pm! Tonight's game is played with "SANTA'S SLAY" a good, old-fashioned educational romp through the holiday spirit. Win a sweatshirt and $50 gift card to Bud & Rita's Dispensary!
#Chicago #ibwlodge1
#chicagobeer #illinoiscraftbeer #drinklocal #norwoodpark #enjoywithpeopleyoutrust #santasslay
Get your WAR ON XMAS box set now!
- War on Xmas 2-Pack
- 2x War on Xmas pint glasses (I know, that's an old photo)
- War on Xmas t-shirt (white or black)
All of this for $55!! Get it at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/cult-propoganda
Or, if you have money to burn, you can buy each part individually on our webstore. We have War on Xmas t-shirts (white or black this year!) for $30, War on Xmas pint glasses for $20 and you can come in to the Lodge and get a 2-pack for $16.
From now until the end of the year, if you spend $100 on our website, you get 20% off. This does NOT include Cult Memberships, but anything else.
The world is your oyster, best to eat it before it gets too old.
#Chicago #ibwlodge1
#chicagobeer #illinoiscraftbeer #drinklocal #norwoodpark #enjoywithpeopleyoutrust
Use code XMAS20 to get 20% off any order over $100 at our webstore.
This includes everything in the store EXCEPT Cult Memberships. To be clear, that means THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CULT MEMBERSHIPS. So, please, don't try and be clever, it will just complicate it for all of us (mostly me, but I'll find a way to make it annoying for you as well).
If you want to pick your stuff up, just make a note when you check out and I'll kick back some money for shipping.
Ok. This is your big chance to buy things!
Can I talk to you for a minute over here?
Have you ever wanted to eat 8 DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHILI and then be a judgey asshead about it? Well, then have I got something special for you.
Tonight is our 1st ANNUAL CHILI COOK-OFF AND COOKIE EXCHANGE. We start at 6pm. All you have to do is eat the chili and then judge for your favorite. We'll announce a winner and give out major awards.
Also, please bring some XMAS COOKIES to share with your friends and neighbors new and old!
And then at 9pm DJ FARTBRITCHES (Jen from @bucketoblood ... btw, DJ FARTBRITCHES is what she wants you to call her from now on. She's so OVER Jen) will be guiding you on the HEROES JOURNEY through Federico Fellini's favorite Holiday film, "Santa Claus vs. The Devil".
The only way you can ruin tonight is by not showing up. So... SHOW UP. Please?
See you tonight at 6pm! Or sooner, we open at 4pm, you know.
#Chicago #ibwlodge1
#chicagobeer #illinoiscraftbeer #drinklocal #norwoodpark #enjoywithpeopleyoutrust #holiday #holidays #holidaybaking #holidayseason #chilicookoff #HolidayCookieSwap #holidaycookieswap #holidaycookiemagic #holidaycookieexchange
THIS THURSDAY DECEMBER 19TH we have a HUGE night of fun and trouble and troubling fun planned precisely for YOU.
It's almost like we've infiltrated the innermost caverns of your deepest thought vibrations and extracted those most precious ideas for the grand villainy of taking cash money from you at the worst time of the year for taking your money. Almost.
So here's what we've got on Thursday at 6pm:
- CHILI COOK-OFF... you come and taste 6-8 cooks variations on chili and you vote for the winner. Wanna compete? Email info@ibw-chicago.com Just wanna eat? Show up on Thursday.
- XMAS COOKIE EXCHANGE... bring cookies to share with your friends and neighbors. Eat their cookies too!
- @theemeraldacorn TAROT READING... that's right, The Emerald Acorn will be on hand to guide you into the bleak abyss that is your possible future in 2025. She's great! And nice! She'll break the bad news gently!
Ok, you might think that's enough for one evening, eh? But wait...
At 9pm DJ FARTBRITCHES (better known as Jen from @bucketoblood ) will be spinning a LIVE SOUNDTRACK to the cult classic SANTA CLAUS vs. THE DEVIL.
Come get your Holiday on in high style with your fuzzy and cuddly friends here at IBW Lodge #1. This will be better than staying at home (most nights).
And, yes, OF COURSE, we have TUESDAY TRIVIA NIGHT tonight (Tuesday, ok?) and MURDER BINGO tomorrow (Wednesday). You should be here for those as well. But you better not miss THURSDAY NIGHT because it is supposed to be the GREATEST NIGHT OF ALL OF YOUR LIVES mushed together into one purple-green ball of fun and food and optical delights.
Who knew that one bar run by under achieving derelicts could do so much?
#Chicago #ibwlodge1
#chicagobeer #illinoiscraftbeer #drinklocal #norwoodpark #enjoywithpeopleyoutrust #trivia #tuesdaytrivianights #trustlager #mrking #santaclausvsthedevil #chilicookoff2024 #xmascookies #xmascookieexchange
IBW Lodge #1 Open at 6pm on Xmas Day!