Remember the salad days of the 1970’s? Muscle cars ruled the road. Quaaludes were in the pockets and mouths of every good American. And it seemed like, everyday, there was a new cult with a new way to find your brains and way out of the beige boredroom of your stead life.
Maybe you’re a Source Family guy? Maybe one of those Process weirdos? You don’t look like a Scientologist to me. And you’re far too nice for EST.
If you’re longing to hop into a GTO time machine and spin back to a time and place that was a little bit slower, a little less pudgy, a lot less full of “influencers” and people who can’t pull the surveillance device from their face, than maybe our humble little cult at Illuminated Brew Works is for you.
Illuminated Brew Works is a Chicago-based brewery producing beer for interesting times. From big, hazy IPAs, to yeast-driven urban farmhouses, adjunct-rich stouts and experimentally-driven sours and fruit beers, our offerings rotate seasonally to celebrate the annual cycle.
Come on down to our humble little home and say “hi”, see if we might be the cult for you. We hope you stick around.
And please, always enjoy with people you trust.
This is an incredibly old photo, though it remains a fair representation of our general train wreck of an organization if not of the personnel literally.
Brian Buckman, Founder & Head Brewer
Brian is a Siebel Institute trained brewer with a focus on yeast cultivation and fermentation techniques. He has been studying brewing since 2008. He’s definitely a Source Family guy. Contact Brian
Matt Shirley, Founder & Business Manager
Matt is President of Northern Fork, a Chicago based catering company, where he's worked since 2003. During that time he has played a vital role in Northern Fork’s growth from a start-up to a 4 million dollar a year business. Contact Matt
Jason Monk, Facilities Manager & Assistant Brewer
Jason is a 20-year AWS certified welder and has been managing Grover Welding for the past 13 of those years. Jason designed and fabricated our brew house as well as the first legally registered food truck (the Salsa Truck) in the City of Chicago. Contact Jason
Rick Julien, Sales Representative
Rick is the newest addition to the team. Coming from Heartland Brewing and, before that, Beer on the Wall Park Ridge, Rick is bringing years of experience on both sides of the sales equation to Illuminated. Contact Rick
Matthew Moreno, Assistant Brewer
Matthew started brewing in college in the dorm community kitchen under the TA’s noses and quickly fell in love. Eventually, he moved out to the parent's garage with high ambition and eagerness to learn everything about beer he could. He remains a superfan of all beer and a good cigar.
Rob Boldt, Bar Manager
Mike Hominick, Book Club Moderator
Mike has a degree in Library Science, but he reached his full potential when he became the facilitator of the Illuminated Book Club (which meets on the third Wednesday of every other month). Now Mike spends his time selecting weird books for us to read, and finding synergy between literature and beer.
John Forbes, Bar Tender
Tony Fischer, Bar Tender
Mr. King, Mind Huckster/Soothe-sayer
John Barlowe, Robot Engineer
Jason Pritchett, Spiritual Advisor