Rainy Day Project #3: The Endless!

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H.P. Lovecraft

Week 2. The fourteenth day of this lockdown, the fourteenth hash mark cut into my arm. I'll be fine. I'm sure. I might just need to sprout more limbs.

I hope you're all reading during this thing! 

I'm a committed non-fiction creep by all accounts, but, this weekend I read my first piece of fiction in my recent crummy memory. I re-read Philip K. Dick's "Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said" and did it in a record two days. It felt great and was a delight to get back into that particular guided meditation that is a work of fiction on the page.

If you don't know, PKD has an uncanny knack that few authors have for generating very personal synchronicities for all readers of his books. I know, you always think it's just you, like you're the only cracker in the barrel he's speaking to, but you're not. Ask anybody who has ever read a PKD novel, his books freaking print synchronicities in his readers lives. Ask anybody.


I picked "Flow My Tears..." because of it's inspiration for our beer, KING FELIX, that we released last fall. With the Nelson Sauvin in there, It's one of my favorite DIPAs that we have made and I love the artwork that Mark did for the can. It also happens that one of the book's main characters shares a family name with yours truly. As I'm gunning to get real weird on this lockdown, I gotta front-load this noodle of mine with the shiniest confetti around. A PKD novel where you rub up against a character - even if only in name - is a good start to a weird time.

So, I swore to myself, when I started these Rainy Day Projects, that none of them would include TV shows or films. I wanted to give you all something other than passive media to occupy yourself with as we pass through this group initiation. Well, in today's third installment, I am already breaking that rule.

After listening to the (fantastic podcast!!) Weird Studies' episode on Jonathon Glazer's"Under the Skin" I decided to check it out this weekend. This is a brilliant, relentless & deeply disturbing meditation on beauty that will rip your mind apart. I highly recommend it, but, it's not why we're here today.

After "Under the Skin" finished, I was given several options for shows that must have fallen somewhere under the matrix of "sci-fi" & "mind fuck", "time loops" & "isolation". Combing through several options, I landed on "The Endless".

"The Endless" is about two brothers who, a decade ago, escaped what they believed was a UFO cult. Since leaving, their lives have de-performed in just about every way. After receiving a strange letter in the mail, they return to the cult for a night to see if it was as problematic as they had remembered.

I have a general rule that any movie that adapts H.P. Lovecraft, nods to H.P. Lovecraft, or has an H.P. Lovecraft quote for it's epigraph, I'm gonna love. And that was certainly true here. But, what "The Endless"  did that other giants like "Evil Dead", "From Beyond", "In the Mouth of Madness", etc couldn't do was to take the Weird and apply it gently to real, human concerns. To be fair, that's not always what I'm looking for when I head down that eldritch path to madness, but, these liminal days have made me soft and find me trying to understand these changes that we are going though - both willed and unwilled - in a context of me straightening my head, my life - my karma, if you have to - as if I'm preparing my house for death.

Why is that, you ask? Because we are. It might not be today, it probably won't be from the COVID-19 virus, but as sure as silly works great with puddy, my aging white ass is going to die. And so is yours. You might even say that this great pageant of beer, lovers, movies, food and show tunes is just a runway for the Big Forever: one good chance to work your shit out before you head to that great laundry heap in the sky.

And "The Endless" provides just that opportunity. And it adds it with the window dressing of time loops, UFO cults, trans-dimensional entities, meth addicts & synchro-mystic clues triggering flocks of birds. It's great! And fortunately, whoever cast this artful slog at familial goading knew that, for this thing to land properly, the brothers had to be extremely likable and have a sense of humor to  keep the audience moored against the larger, complicated themes.

You might could argue that the ending to "The Endless" is a bit tidy for what was served for dinner. Or, you could shut up and realize that the value of art is not for you to find problems in an artists rendering of their project, but instead art can be there to inspire, to remind you about life and to pose more delightful and interesting questions that will keep you up at night not being able to answer them. You could also argue that the ending moves this film from the genre of "Weird Sci-Fi" to the woefully underserved "Weird Magical Realism", always a gossomar's thread to my mind and always welcome just the same. I do hope you enjoy it.

Where to find IBW while you Stay at Home...


Hi everybody!

We're reaching out to let you know about the best ways to secure your IBW during this episode of the Twilight Zone we've found ourselves in. I've got a few more announcements after I list the bottle shops and liquor store services available, so read on after that if you're interested.

There's a few places that will do delivery right now in Chicago. My understanding is that none of them are same day, but, if you want your IBW and don't want to leave your house, try the following:

All the Binny's are open and will do curbside pick-up or delivery within their range.

Garfield's will do curbside pick-up, delivery and shipping.

Beer Temple will do curbside pick-up, delivery and shipping, also.

 in the West Loop is delivering booze through Drizly.

Of course, you can always sign up for the Tavour app. Those guys are the greatest and do a great job of shipping you the most delicious beer right to your doorstep all the time.

There are several places in Chicago and the burbs that are just offering curb-side pick up right now. They are:

  • Bottles & Cans in Chicago

  • Leo's in Woodridge

  • Beer Cellars in Glen Elly & Geneva

  • Beer on Central in Evanston

  • Green Lady here in Chicago

  • Beer on the Wall in Park Ridge

  • Beer Bazarr in Hainesville

  • Local Foods in Chicago

  • Beermiscuous in Lakeview (Chicago)

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is what we have intel on right now. If you don't see your favorite bottle shop (or YOUR bottle shop if you're a store owner) please don't freak out, just email us at mind-control@ibw-chicago.com and get us information on your store (or your favorite store). We will keep a collected list on our website.

If you want to buy draft beer, there are a couple of places we can point you to. Email us at the above email address and we'll find the one closest to you.

First off, for those of you who are without work: The Illinois Restaurant Association (IRA), the Illinois Retail Merchants Association (IRMA), and the Illinois Food Retailers Association (IFRA) have compiled information on hundreds of temporary jobs at grocery stores and retailers throughout the state to meet the demand for food and supplies. Hopefully this will help some of you, our friends and neighbors.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be sending out some Rainy Day Projects to help keep you all busy with things to do other than watch TV. To be fair, some of the projects might involve watching TV - some great series we've been enjoying, old movies, strange documentaries, that kind of thing - but I'm really going to try and focus on things like cool, free books on-line, dumb drawing projects, and some paranormal fun to try in your haunted apartment for when you're sick of talking to your room mate. This is a work in progress and will develop as we go along. But keep an eye on your inbox, our Facebook,Twitter and Instagram pages for updates. And, if you have any ideas, feel free to email them to me at t mind-control@ibw-chicago.com I hope this helps pass the time and bring us closer together as a community. 

Speaking of community, nothing says I LOVE YOUR STUPID FACE more than knocking glasses together. And, with this quarantine, that's going to be a part of life that we're all going to miss and miss hard. So everyday at 7:23pm we're going to post a photo onInstagram of one of our IBW cult members raising a glass and making a toast for something they love and want to make better. We encourage you to do the same thing.

It's real easy to participate:

  • Post a photo of yourself with a beer raised and ready to consume on Instagram

  • In the body of the Instagram post


We'll collect these photos (use the hash tag #ILOVEYOUIMISSYOUIMDRINKINGTOYOURLIFEANDMINE so we can find them) and post them up to our website at some point when there's enough of them. It's a dumb little thing, but dumb little things are pretty freaking great, aren't they?

Ok, everybody, hang in there. Talk to your friends and family. Check in on everybody. Let's keep each other happy, healthy and growing during this challenging time.