Inner Space v Outer Space release & Food Truck TONIGHT!

It's busy, so It keeps the messaging short, It does.

First: TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT! At the IBW Lodge #1 we're releasing INNER SPACE v. OUTER SPACE, a double dry hopped collab we did with Omega Yeast. The 4-pack comes with 2 cans of each beer, same grist, same hopping (Galaxy & Vic's Secret), but 2 different yeasts. The first yeast is BritV, our standard go-to for DDH DIPAs and what we used for INNER SPACE. For OUTER SPACE we used a new yeast from Omega, Cosmic Punchwhich, using the incredible CRISPR technology, turns on specific proteins that activate thiols normally dormant in many hops. Don't take our word for it though, try it out yourself, it's pretty incredible.


We'll have 4-packs for sale at the IBW Lodge #1 tonight and we'll have both INNER SPACE and OUTER SPACE on tap as well so you can do 8 or 9 side-by-sides at the bar and then take a case home and do 6 more. Science is as reliant on rigorous testing as it is on paganism, so you really need to beat that horse dead and deader, son.

Speaking of science: we have been testing the correlation between drinking and hunger for about 46 years here in the IBW Labs and what we've found is that, when a middle aged human drinks intoxicating beverages, those same beverages trigger what we call a "hunger complex" in the left lenticular squeaky fromme, just past the medulla and across the Mason/Dixon line. This causes the subject to eat... a lot. And generally foods that are high in sodium, fat and ranch.

We're moving our study into a broader pool this evening and the nice folks at FLASH TACO TRUCK have offered their snacks to aid in our research. That's from 5-8pm tonight in the parking lot between us and WineStyles Norwood. Here's a link so you can pre-order your food. If you pre-order, you'll then have food. So pre-order. Your food. Ok? Pre-order.

Tomorrow we're going to be out in Rockford at the Screw City Beer Festival. This is one of our favorite events, the wonderful folks from Artale & Co. always put together a hell of an event. Get out there!!

We've got some other very exciting news that is already making its way around the further hinterwebs. We'll do a formal email about it next week wearing a top hat, tie & spats and, in the meantime, ready body, mind and spirit for THE GREATEST SINGLE EVENT THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED. This is not an exaggeration and you won't want to miss the thing I am not telling you about yet. Ok!