IBW's MockTurtleFest is TODAY!! Saturday, October 1st @ 4pm


Just a quick reminder that we've got our 2nd Annual MOCKTURTLEFEST TODAY!!!!!!!


We'll have our Moktoberfest marzen on tap, MOCKTURTLENECKS, as well as THE RON SMOLEN ORCHESTRA playing traditional German honk-honk music, IBW cooked brats and other traditional German food from CHICAGO CATERING KITCHEN and traditional German games and competitions to feed and/or wilt your fragile little ego (and win you beer). Wear some Fest gear or a mockturtle neck and we'll buy your first pint of Mockturtlenecks.

We also have some very cool IBW branded Liter glassware for sale and you get your first fill free when you purchase it. Be sure to get out here and join us for this!

Here's the creep book link for today's event if that in some way helps you.

You can see all of our event calendar for the month at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/events

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/whats-on-tap

That's all I've got. Why not go ride your bike today, it's BEAUTIFUL out there!!