Greetings strange friends!!!

It's that time of year, once again. The veil is thin. The earth is still not flat. And those that have come and gone before us return, for only a few nights, to remind us of our own short tenure on this mortal coil. Halloween is that wonderful haul across calendrics that brings agency back to the shadow and pleasure to those absent friends.

Over here at the IBW confines, we like to raise our Freak Flag to one-and-half mast high and dig our cloven hooves deep into the meaty-wet soil of dying, dry leaves and soggy stained streets during this most wonderful time of year. We hope you'll come join us and bring your own strange vibrations to our celebrations.

Saturday's SPOOK EASY is the last time this year you're going to be able to get ECTO-SLUSHY on tap anywhere. And we only have one sixtel left. Now, we're not going to tell you when we're going to tap that beast on Saturday, but, when we do, you better get on that business fast. It won't last.

We're also going to have another round of ROBOT KARAOKE with John Barlow and a special surprise from the LAKESHORE DAMES!

We've got a Hawaiian themed menu for the evening from Yetta & Larry's Catering Co. that is going to make you die and raise from the dead again and again.

And, of course, COSTUME CONTESTS and BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM contests. It's going to be a grand old time.

And, listen, do yourself, us and everybody else a favor and don't be the only yutz to show up without a costume on. Just get over yourself and get in the spirit, ok? Ok.

Saturday is going to be BIG FUN, but! before get to the SPOOK EASY, we've got our 2nd Annual Dog Halloween Costume Contest.... tomorrow night, Thursday, from 5pm - 8pm!

Bring your furry buddy by, done up in its finest Halloween scare-fair and get your photo taken by the wonderful and talented Pat Hilander.

On Friday I'll post all the photos to our social media accounts and let the public vote on the finest dressed four-legged weirdo. The winner can collect their $50 gift card at our SPOOK EASY on Saturday and, more importantly, while you're here getting your photo taken, you can drink $3 Mr. Monk's the whole time!

These were some of the contestants from last year. We can't wait to see what shows up this year!!

Don't forget, we've also got a PAINTED PUMPKIN contest. Just bring in your painted pumpkin before our party on Saturday and you'll get a chance to win one of several prizes. Don't sleep through this, it's the quickest and easiest rocket ship to fame and fortune you're ever bound to find.

Oh, hey! We've also got a few new beers out. My favorite right now? ADAM WEISHAUPT a 5.55% dry-hopped weissbier that we've been making for a long time on draft but have never packaged in 4-packs until now. If you're one of those fine, feathered folks who likes a wheat beer with a big yeast character, than this homage to the first President of the United States is just the thing for you!

Last bit of business: we've got like 4 of these sexy new PAZUZU'S PEDALS t-shirts left. You can grab one in the tap room or buy one off our crummy webstore. $30 never made you look so good.

We really hope we see you Thursday and Saturday. There is TOO MUCH FUN to be had.

Weather we see you or not, we hope you have a wonderful and haunted Halloween.

You can see all of our event calendar for the month at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/events

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/whats-on-tap

That's all I've got. Why not go ride your bike today, it's BEAUTIFUL out there!!