IBW's War On Xmas! Box Sets! This Week's Events!


I'm thrilled to be here in your inbox to remind you that we're in a single digit countdown to the most magical time of the year!!! Where people of all stripes come together with the singular purpose of eating and drinking themselves into a narcotic revelry of delights.

The butter drenched mashed potatoes! The magisterial Skeski's we stuff full of butter, onions and aromatics and cook to perfection in their own sordid juices!

The pies! The rolls! THE GRAVY!!! My god, the cranberries!! The whisky!!!! Oh, sweet Huddie William Ledbetter, I can't hardly contain myself.

Never is a food coma offered with such a sublime and savory devotional as it is on Thanksgiving, this Holy Rite of culinary immersion unparalleled in scope and grandeur. And right now, we are less than 48 hours away from lift off.

Take a breath and remember how the house will smell. And try not weep with morbid bird lust.

Ok, enough already, I need to stay focused.

WAR ON XMAS! box sets are back and ready to head into your happy homes. If you don't know already, for $60 you get a War on Xmas! 4-pack, War on Xmas! t-shirt, either 2x IBW tulip glasses or 1x IBW stein, some stickers and all boxed up in this lovely little hand-stamped IBW gift box.

New this year, we've also got some other gift options as well including a Shirt, Glass & Beer Can special and, if you need it shipped, just a Shirt & Glass Special.

You can get these off of our hyper-janky WEB STORE or you can come by the WAR ON XMAS! release party tomorrow for THE BLACKEST OF WEDNESDAYS.

The Blackest of Wednesdays is our Annual retreat for folks in town for the Thanksgiving turkenalia who need a bit of a breather from the family already. Last year was a blast and I'm certain this year will be even better.

We're releasing WAR ON XMAS! in 4-packs and putting it up on draft as well. This year's WAR ON XMAS! is pretty fantastic, I must say. We've decided to try something new with the recipe this year and do a Peanut Brittle version instead of the Egg Nog version we've done for the past 4 years. Going forward there is a real possibility that we'll do a different holiday treat each year. Or not! That's completely our decision and we are endowed with the agency to change our minds at any ding dang time we like. But, what I can tell you right now is that this year's batch is Peanut Brittle and it will change your life!

And, if getting away from your family and getting your hands and mouth on WAR ON XMAS! isn't enough incentive, then how about getting your mouth on some of PrairieWolfe Catering's delicious pierogi's? These things are insanely good and they'll be here for your belly's delights.

If none of those options will suffice, than come on by our SMALL BUSIINESS SATURDAY HOLIDAY MERCH BASH on Saturday November 26th from Noon to Midnight and get 15% off any of those items and a bunch of other merchandise we have for sale.

Also, this Friday, Jason Monk will be here from Noon until 4p offering up 3oz pours from his cellar with any purchase of a beer during that time. Think vintage Dark Lord, Bourbon County and many other sludgy, motor-oil and soy sauce extravaganzas.

Ok. There's a lot of devilry for me to finish up before I leap down a 4,000' foot hole of dining and decadence, so I must be on my way. But, one last thing before I go: We just packaged a tasty little bier de garde today named after one of the most beguiling bad movies ever made, Michael Mann's "The Keep". This movie could have been something phenomenal and, it would appear, the studio execs had other plans for it. But, the beer, it's freaking great. So, get a little winter belly-warmer and watch this movie. It pairs well with edibles and a sizable sound system for the Tangerine Dream soundtrack.

Ok, have a great and joy-filled Thanksgiving. Remember the one's you've loved and lost and try and appreciate the one's you've still got around to get greasy, fat and full with. There ain't much time left now.


You can see all of our event calendar for the month at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/events

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/whats-on-tap

If you're into maps, here's a map that shows you where the IBW Lodge #1 is. I would recommend you use this in conjunction with a bike or feet. If you must drive to come see us, please don't park in WineStyle's parking lot. There's a ton of street parking all around us. Indulge in our glut of street parking at will.