Saturday, Dec. 17 DIMO'S PIZZA is back at IBW Lodge #1

This Saturday, December 17th, Dimo's Pizza is going to be back for another round of slinging their fantastic slices. They'll be here from 5pm - 8pm, make sure to come on by and eat 5 or 6 pieces.

We dropped a couple beers this week, one brand new and one favorite.

Peacock Angel is an 8% Double Dry Hopped Double IPA made with Mosaic Incognito, Waimea, Vic's Secret & Rakau. That Mosaic Incognito gives a full and bright hop character that we're very excited about and the color on this one is just about perfect. Give it a shot.

The Ballad of the Peanut Butter Pony is back in all of its 13% glory. We added more peanut butter and more cocoa to this batch to really bring this little stag up to it's full and great potential.

Both of these are available in 4-packs to go. Peanut Butter Pony is on draft right now and Peacock Angel should make its way to the taps just after Xmas.

That viking shield in the background of the photo was made by one of our Cult Members, Paul Hejnowski. It's all hand-built and apparently spot on to traditional specs. Come by and check it out at the Lodge along with all the other oddities and entities we've got running around here.

Speaking of our Cult Members, did you know our 2023 CULT MEMBERSHIPS are LIVE and ready for you to sign up for this year's adventure? We've got 3 different membership levels this year, from the level for cheap and/or broke folks, all the way to the lifer level of Secret Chief that will keep you clothed and schwifty all 365 days of 2023. Read more about it here and sign up.

Ask any of the Cult Members from this year, there's really nothing else like it available anywhere.

I don't know what your plans are for New Years Eve, but you should spend it with the fine-feathered freaks here at IBW. We're going to take another shot at doing our "The Shining" themed NYE Party that we had to bag last year due to the on-going pandemic. It's gonna happen this year, so make sure to lock us in. More info will be coming soon.

Have you bought your WAR ON XMAS box set yet?

If you don't know already, for $60 you get a War on Xmas! 4-pack, War on Xmas! t-shirt, either 2x IBW tulip glasses or 1x IBW stein, some stickers, a War on Xmas button and it's all boxed up in this lovely little hand-stamped IBW gift box.

New this year, we've also got some other gift options as well including a Shirt, Glass & Beer Can special and, if you need it shipped, just a Shirt & Glass Special.

You can get these off of our hyper-janky WEB STORE or you can come by the Lodge and pick one up anytime, even at the Holiday Pop-Up Shopping this Sunday!

You can see all of our event calendar for the month at

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at