Celebrate MARDI GRAS @ IBW LODGE #1 Saturday, February 26th!

Greedings and salivations, my unusual friends...

Tomorrow starting at 4pm IBW LODGE #1 is going to do some space traveling down to the wonderful and strange Crescent City to celebrate Mardi Gras!

We'll be flush with fresh, delicious IBW beer and we'll have plenty of FREE FOOD to fill your swollen belly's. We've got boudin, muffulettas, king cake and other yummies. If you want to bring some treats to share, don't be shy! Come in costume and get your first beer on us! Here's the creepbook page for the event.

In other news....We dropped Magic Alex's Amazing Electric Granola Berry Beer this week and folks seem to be digging it. It tastes almost exactly like a 7% berry RX Bar. I do love it when a plan comes together. We've got it on tap here and in 4-packs to go at IBW LODGE #1 and you can find it at your favorite bottle shops in and around Chicago.

That's it for now. Any questions? Hit us up at info@ibw-chicago.com and we'll see you tomorrow!!