WAR ON XMAS box sets 15% Pre-Sale Until 11/22

Please accept my many hairy and scalable excuses for not deploying a long-winded and mind-altering email any time in the recent past. I've been busier than a lazy, aging and corpulent man-child really prefers to be and, when this happens, something must suffer. And, after long debate, we decided that it should be you that suffers.

But, fret less! With the holidays staring up our proverbial skirts there is a strong chance of me holing up from the (I assume) impending cold and scrawling a new screed or two of vaguely sense-making reportage for you lovely monkeys to roll and smoke upon.

 But, in the meantime, here's some efficient point-making so I can get back to the rest of the tendrils this unholy beast keeps wrapping around my heart.

War on Xmas box sets are back and 15% off from now until 11/22 at noon. Click here to buy now! Use the discount code PREORDER at check out!

This year you get a 2-pack of War on Xmas, one flavor of each variety + 2 War on Xmas pint glasses + an ORANGE War on Xmas shirt so that all you folks with the classic John & Yoko black on white version can indulge in a newish looking t-shirt.

ALSO... go here to hear JOHN BARLOW'S beautiful rendition of our WAR ON XMAS theme song. I mean, what other beer has a god damned theme song? None. That's none but IBW's (until somebody else comes along and bites on that idea, too).

While you're over on our hella-crummy webstore, you might also notice that we have PURPLE Pazuzu's Pedals shirts. HOLY CRAP! How can you NOT buy one of these?

CULT MEMBERSHIPS FOR 2024 GO ON SALE ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24TH. You have been warned. More info to come.

Don't forget about THE BLACKEST OF WEDNESDAYS coming on on 11/22. We buy the pizza, you buy the beer and Rob plays "Thankskilling" over and over and over. Big night. Help us help you ruin your Thanksgiving morning.

And then, of course, all you TWIN PEAKS heads, mark your calendar for Sunday November 26th @ 3pm for our TWIN PEAKS TEAM TRIVIA. If you've spent more than about 8 minutes around me then you certainly know how much I love Twin Peaks. Hell, it's probably the closest thing to an organized view of the world that I enjoy swallowing over and over again. 

All of this is to say, I'm putting a lot of love and care in making these questions. And the wonderful and strange folks over at Bucket O Blood Books and Records have donated some FANTASTIC prizes:

So don't miss the damn fine TWIN PEAKS TEAM TRIVIA.


And, yes Virginia, IBW will be open for the Bears loss tomorrow at Noon. Trust Micheladas et al.

Ok, that's all folks. See you soon!

You can see all of our events on our event calendar at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/events

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/whats-on-tap