Spiral-Out of Dry January @ IBW Lodge #1
What's worse: Dry January or having to spend time alone with your thoughts while pretending you're not a committed parishioner in the church of the BIG DRINK for 3 weeks?
Both, dummy!! It's always both.
So, to help you get over strange aspirations made in the fits of holiday desperations and sugar-psychosis, you're half-witted friends at IBW have 3 life changing events this weekend. And, the first one is TONIGHT!
ROBOT KARAOKE is back! It looks like we're gonna start doing this on a weekly basis, but, the journey of a thousand lost memories begins with TONIGHT.
Get your song together and get over here. We'll start around 8:30. The only thing worse than an unattended Karaoke session is being sober, so, do the right thing and GET HERE TONIGHT AND DRINK BEER.
And then, on Saturday, we've got a Big Flipping Deal!
Everything you need to know (about this event) is right up there in the flyer. Don't make me repeat myself. FREE COMEDY! FREE DJ! NEW IBW BEER! PIZZA from Chicago's best NY-Style pizza pushers, MAX & ISSY'S. The pizza starts at 6pm, the show starts at 7:30pm. DJ Adderall Spritz starts RIGHT after the show.
And then, holy smokes, SUNDAY @ 5pm we've got CMON INEED YR HLP doing a rare live performance. I don't have a flyer for this, but I'll link to their band camp page. These guys are fantastic. And I'm usually pretty picky and kind of a dick about music. So, TRUST ME. :) This is a FREE SHOW and it starts around 5pm.
You can see all of our events on our event calendar at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/events
You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/whats-on-tap