80s Dance Party, Simpsons Trivia & Free Music @ IBW Lodge #1!
80s Dance Party Tonight!
The Simpson's Themed Trivia Sunday Feb 25 @ 3pm
Small Awesome & Brian Pennington Live Sunday Feb 25 @ 530pm
Kreeper is back!
As I'm sure most of you can understand, its been very difficult time for us here at IBW, but we are focused on continuing to move forward even in the wake of the horrific murder of Laura Palmer 35 years ago today in that strange little suburb of Seattle. But go on we must. I think that's what Laura would want us to do.
It's a big weekend at IBW Lodge #1!
We've got a brand-spanking new batch of KREEPER IPA on draft and in 4-packs ready to go home with you and snuggle. KREEPER is a bit more traditional of an IPA then what we are often making. There's a little bit of caramel malt in this one and, since it's clear and not hazy, you can use your pint like a magnifying glass while you're doing crossword puzzles. But the star of KREEPER is the Nelson Suavin dry hops. So, if you dig those white wine and gooseberry notes in your beer, KREEPER is your spirit animal.
As a Captain of Industry, people often ask me what's the most important lesson for running wildly successful, multi-national corporation. And I always tell them the first thing they taught me at the Alfred E. Neuman School of Voodoo Economics is that you've got to be flexible and change with the times. If the people scream for blood, you give them blood. If they want to dance, then bring them to the dance. So, ladies and gentlemen, you spoke and we listened.
DJ RISKY BIZNESS is going to throw you in his DeLorean and deliver ye back to a time when
the shorts were short and the sock were long and no one had any clue what kinds of horrors lay in wait for the unsuspecting teens when they grew up and got a job. Throw on your leotards and leg warmers, throw your hair back in a scrunchy and get your jazzed-up self down to IBW Lodge #1 tonight for our first All 80's Dance Party. Music will start around 8.
Sunday, February 25th @ 3pm join Mean Mike, the Coca-Cola Kid, for another round of THE SIMPSONS themed team trivia. This one is going to focus entirely on Season 6.
Teams of up to 6 players will compete for The Simpsons collectibles and access to a degree of self-satisfaction only dreamed of previously.
Check out these prizes for tomorrow!
And then, once the Simpsons Trivia is over and the heroes have been branded appropriately, we've got another FREE LIVE SHOW of all original music from another couple great Chicago outfits.
Apparently the designer was in the throws of a prettay rough PCP experience when they made this flyer, so you can disregard the "21+" collection of numbers and special characters. We know not what it means.
If you need to figure out if your tastes are up to the high standards of our booking team, you can check out Small Awesome's dossier here.
And, hey, while I've got your ear and eye (if I still do!), mark your calendars as we're going to celebrate Leap Year Day with some Robot Karaoke!
Stay strong!
Never forget!
See you tonight!
You can see all of our events on our event calendar at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/events
You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at https://www.ibw-chicago.com/whats-on-tap