
Tonight we're doing a live version of SMART ASS, a fun little card trivia game from University Games. Winners will take home IBW Gift Cards and EVERYONE who plays will get their very own copy of SMART ASS to take home with them. Who doesn't like FREE stuff?

Your esteemed brewer Bucky will be hosting this sure-to-be-a-mess mess. But whatever?! Right? Right. Come, have a few beers and take home a fun card game for FREE. And have fun in the process. 

Did you know this will be fun?

Starting this SUNDAY we'll be brining back FREE HOT DOGS FOR BEARS GAMES. What a world.

And then, please mark your calendar for our 3 Year Anniversary Party where we're releasing a collaboration Bock we made with our friends at THE BUCKLAND MUSEUM OF WITCHCRAFT & MAGICK. We'll have vendors, tarot readers and a DUNK TANK during the day and 3 metal bands after 9pm to put a clear and thunderous capstone on the day.

 "IBW: We're here for you as long as you have cash."