Rainy Day Project #10 (Volunteer)

Greetings Brothers & Sisters of the Planet Earth,

This has been a hard week for everyone. We're scared, we're angry, we're unsure and we want to run toward easy, comfortable, unnuanced places in our hearts and minds to hide from the pain. 

But pain is real. And so is what is happening outside all of our windows. And maybe what is happening outside our windows is happening because we have been avoiding pain for far too long. The pain of our neighbors. The pain of our fellow citizens. The pain of ourselves.

I don't want to say too much on this, I believe that our position is apparent in all the work we do. IBW works for Peace, Joy, Equality and, as an American company, we support Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness and all of the rights, practices and obligations secured for all of our people by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If you haven't recently, take time to read these documents.

To be clear, we all must insist on an end to the murder of black individuals by the people we as a community entrust with the power to support our law and order. Period.

Now, I know several police officers and fireman and they are great people. And I know they share this sentiment, too. We can stop these murders - first and foremost - and then move on to the rest of the work, which is healing for all men and women of the planet earth.

If you need help in your search for self amongst all of this pain and chaos, I have found the most recent episode of 10% Happier to be a great starting point. The guest is Lama Rod Owens and the topic is "An Uncomfortable (But Meaningful) Conversation About Race".

What is happening right now transcends politics. And demands honest and painful conversations. And it doesn't happen on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. It happens amongst humans, in the flesh, with nothing to hide behind and nothing to gain beyond the real connection to the human organism. And we are all one part of that organism.

It is all of our jobs now to see "The Other" and find out how we are like them, not how we are different. And it is all our jobs now to find out how we make ourself better and not how some "Other" needs to come closer to our ideas. The work to do is inside of you. And that work is really hard. So, you better start now.

One great way that helped me start to do the Work that I needed was volunteering. There is nothing like doing service for others that will teach you about yourself, expose you to people you otherwise would not meet, and learn skills that build your confidence and your value in supporting your community.

The rainy day project for today is to Volunteer. Find an organization that you think suits your current understanding of yourself and get involved.

There is no end of organizations that struggle for funding that need your support. Whether it's a neighborhood organization, a political group, a Hospice center, a food pantry, a shelter for people or for dogs. It doesn't matter. Go find something and get involved. Improve yourself and improve your world. Now.

Oh yeah, and there's beer available for when you need a break.

WE LOVE YOU, let's stop screwing this up.