Memory in Reverse...

We're on the other side of the Fall Equinox. Pretty nutty how much data we've shoveled in between these two solar nodes this year, eh? 

I keep thinking of two things when I think about this year:

  1. I'm on a particularly gory grade of a mountain slope on my snowboard, now is not the time to freak the hell out about heights or try and control my speed, but just relax my cramping sphincter and find a digestible rhythm until the land flattens down again.

  2. That apparently apocryphal Churchill quote: "When you find yourself in hell, keep going." There's plenty to chew on in those 8 fantastical words.

I suppose all this makes me think of one more snowboard-based piece of wisdom that seems to have resonant application throughout all of my troubled life. A friend used to tell me, as we would head into a particularly tree-laden point on our run, "If you don't want to hit the tree, don't look at the tree." Words of wisdom, Loyd, words of wisdom.


We dropped MEMORY IN REVERSE this week and we are pretty damn giddy about it. This is one of those hazy, juicy things your 9 and 10 year olds keep telling about. They're hotter than Brittany Spears, I tell you. They are going to blow up. 

MEMORY IN REVERSE has Pacifica and El Dorado hops, but the star of the show is the wholly enigmatic Sabro hop that gives this beer, while shuffling through moments of apricot, citrus and creamsicle, an undeniably coconutty finish. 

The name MEMORY IN REVERSE was cribbed from one of the most mind-bending books we've forced all of our cult members to read this year, Eric Wargo's "Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious". Here's a little blip off the sleeve:

"This landmark study explores the principles that allow the future to affect the present, and the present to affect the past, without causing paradox. It also deconstructs the powerful taboos that, for centuries, have kept mainstream science from taking phenomena like retrocausation and precognition seriously. We are four-dimensional creatures, and sometimes we are even caught in time loops—self-fulfilling prophecies where effects become their own causes."

If 2020 hasn't gotten weird enough for you yet, crack open a can of our MEMORY IN REVERSE and curl up with your pet reptile and a copy of Eric's truly profound book.

That's pretty much all I got today. I'm going hunting for rabid emu this weekend and have a lot of shots I need to take before we head out in the morning.

FRUIT CREEP (formerly Fruit Slave) & BRONY (with a hot new label) drop a week from Monday. And there's a super rad collaboration we're working on that we'll let you know about very soon. 

Tie your shoes, keep your mind right and, please, just wear your damn mask. You can have any stupid idea you want even while wearing a mask. I promise.