Mel Brooks Trivia, Sunday 6/30 @ IBW Lodge #1

Capt. Howdy, strangers!

I can't tell you how excited I am for tomorrow -  Sunday, June 30th -  and this month's installment of our THEMED TEAM TRIVIA at 3pm. 

Mike has cooked up a really good game for this one including clips from some of AMERICAN MASTER Mel Brooks' finest films. If you have a half a brain cell in your head then you love Mel Brooks. And, with a half a brain cell, you've just found yourself in the elite class of above average intelligence for this tawdry and hot world we live in.

So, come show off that brain cell of yours and have some fun while you do it. Win prizes including Mel Brooks autobiography, a great new full-color book on the making of "Young Frankenstein" with a forward by Judd Apatow. And, of course, some "Blazing Saddles" underwear from our friends over at Harebrained Designs. We start promptly at 3pm.

Tonight we've got DJ NOVEMBER spinning Punk & Metal vinyl all night starting at 9pm! Come get shwifty while you get baptized into the holy church of tinnitus!

For July's MURDER BINGO we're teaming up with our lovely friends from Bucket O Blood Books & Records for a phenomenal line up of all zombie flicks all month long. And, on July 17th, Adam Charles Hart will be in to guest host Murder Bingo and sign copies of his new book "Raising the Dead: The Work of George A. Romero". 

We're going to start the month off right with one of the greatest films ever made, "Return of the Living Dead"! And to sweeten the deal even more, the Bucket O Blood folks are going to bring their mystical hot dog machine with them!

What else do you need to help start off a 4 day bender of Freedom and Liberty then "Hotdog" and "Return of the Living Dead"? 

You can see all of our events on our event calendar at

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at