Pizza! The Simpson's Trivia! Mardi Gras @ IBW Lodge #1

Greetings Space People!

How you doing? I mean, really, how's it going in that infinitely spiraling cavern of consciousness you hide up there in your fuzzy little head? You don't have to be ok with the world, you really don't. And, honestly, it's indication of intelligence to be pretty displeased with the human experiment at this point.

But there's still beautiful music in the world. And some decent films came out this year.... a few. And most decent books published are still in circulation give or take. Oh yeah... and there's beer! Who doesn't love beer? (Don't answer that!)

But, in service of your undying devotion for looking at the world with intoxicated eyes we've got a couple old favorites back in the rotation:

Yes, everyone's favorite Cease and Desisted Double Dry Hopped Double IPA, BRONY, is back in action and tasting better than ever. The strawberry notes on this batch are solid!

And, for your peanut butter and chocolate hogs, our 13% Stout with Cocoa and Peanut Butter flavor is out riding the range once again: 

In case you didn't notice... Somehow, by some strange turn of the gods, both beers released last week have poems on the can. The Brony has, well a Brony Poem, which is, as I understand things (I don't!), a thing amongst those lovable folks who self-identify as Bronies (it's pronounced BROH-KNEE ok?)

The other, THE BALLAD OF THE PEANUT BUTTER PONY, has an American classic, the Cowboy Song, penned specifically for its boozy desert treatiness right there on the label. But, you know, now that Cowboys have been outted as part of the DOGE campaign to augur democracy at the hands of an unelected Gazzilionaire... sorry, I mean Freedom Fighter..., I don't know that we'll ever see this one back in rotation again. So, get it before it's tied up in court indefinitely.

I know, I know, I know. You feel like hot horse shit on dry desert day anymore. We all do, buh-leeeave-me! Go Team, right? Ya.

But hey, we've got the medicinals to cauterize the most panicy parts of your hearts out there. Fresh beer on tap all the time and, what's not on faucet you can get in cans and cans to go. So, really, you don't have any excuse for staying sober through-out 2025 and you don't have any reason to do it through underwhelming channels. IBW is here for you, to solve all life's mysterious and sear away all your heart's pains.

And, if beer isn't enough to get you out of your bunker, than how about some social antagonists?

This Saturday, February 22nd, we've got FRESH PIZZA from the Pizza Dom here for your buying pleasures starting around 5pm. And there's some live music after 9pm so you have time to enjoy your pizza and beer and then get back home before your ears bleed. Or, if you like live music, you can hang around.

SUNDAY we have got the perennial THE SIMPSONS THEMED TEAM TRIVIA. Bring out your teams of 6 or less and win THE SIMPSONS COLLECTIBLES.

 You'll be happy to know that I've been spending so much time on beer that I had to really phone in that flyer. But don't let the flyer cast a reflection on the festivities, Mike "THE COCA-COLA KID" always delivers for you THE SIMPSONS nerds. And John Forbes will manage your thirst in proportion.

Even more exciting, though, is our MARDI GRAS PARTY on Saturday March 1st.

This is always a fine, feathered function for you beautiful weirdos who enjoy donning costumes and dancing your fool selves silly to Zydeco from the SWEET POTATO ZYDECO BAND. 

Hurricane Slushy will be in full effect for this and prizes will be given at my will and beckon. You can charm me, you can buy me off or you can lean into the fun and come dressed to the nines. You make the call on your posture for this here bacchanalia.

Its cold outside but it's warm and snuggly in here at IBW Lodge #1, so why not come on by and unload some of your crypto currency on us in exchange for pain relief?


Hopefully we'll see some of you on soon!!

You can see all of our events on our event calendar at

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at