St. Patrick's Day @ IBW Lodge #1!

Dia Duit, Hadit & Nuit!

I know it's almost St. Patrick's Day because the Clurichaun's here in our shop are getting ever so randy as of late.

A lot of people ask - even more than the amount who mispronounce it - what the "clurichaun" (KLUR-EH-CON) on our Clurichaun Trap Irish Stout is. Wikipedia currently defines a clurichaun as: "a mischievous fairy in Irish folklore known for his great love of drinking and a tendency to haunt breweries, pubs and wine cellars." They tend to make big messes, drink our beer and periodically play some rather cruel practical jokes on us. Our problem here isn't saying the name, or even spelling it,  it's an on-going struggle to decipher between our sizable clurichaun infestation and our employees. The rule of thumb I've been working with to date  is that our employees are usually the ones you find out back smoking.

R-D-R-R, Bart. 

 So, yeah, as if we don't have enough trouble on our hands, we've got the North Side St. Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday. And, because we're gluttons for punishment, we've programmed a heady little St. Patrick's Day celebration at our spot with food, beer, Robot Karaoke and, to cap off the whole day, one of our favorite clurichaun's favorite electro-pop duo, Bloodhype.

We hope you share some or all of your St. Patrick's Day ruining Monday with us here at IBW.

BUT WAIT! We've got even more nuttiness planned for the weekend. 

 Saturday night, March 16th at 9:30, we've got another great FREE and, yes, LIVE show here to help you cope with the feelings of loss experienced by that slow realization that the Chicago winter is over before it ever started.

 Chicago's GLIMMERWIRE is headlining and FAKE FAXES are opening up for them. Glimmerwire plays stripped-down rock n roll drawing on the approaches of Chuck Berry, Lou Reed, Willy DeVille and Roky Erickson, among others. We're super stoked to have another stupidly talented band rip their hearts out and feed them to you for fun.

And, please remember, all this month for MURDER BINGO Aeriz Cannabis is sponsoring the movies. So all kinds of free AERIZ swag for participants every week and, for the person who gets the most Bingo's in the whole month of March, we have a rrrrreeal nice Grand Prize that is full of goodies we know you'll love. So don't miss a single week of Murder Bingo!

"Evil Bong" is this coming Wednesday's feature in case you can't read.

Alright, that's all I've got. Back to making some more fresh Orange Sunshine!

Robot Karaoke TONIGHT, Girl Scout Pairings & Beer @ IBW Lodge #1!

Welcome to the heart of bovine intelligence and the intuition of maladies!

I have no idea what any of that means, but sometimes, when I'm stuck and can't figure out how to start one of these damn newsletters, I just let the brains barf a little bit and enjoy where the languaging goes. Some people call it "communicating with angels". Some call it flowing into the "stream of consciousness". I call it "being inordinately lazy for the insane amount of work I'm supposed to be getting done". They all work. There's many cut points to create a diamond as They say. And we know who "they" are... don't we?

Lots of beer out right now. And, it's all freaking good. Come on by the Lodge and pick some up. We almost literally having something for everybody. And, if we don't have something for you? I don't know? Lighten up? Change you tastes? Alter your habits? Get your mind right? Shall I continue?

That's just a tiny, post-coital shiver of what we have available in the fresh beer department right now. Our talented Sales Manger, Rick, put that image together. He wanted me to say something about "Hopping Into Spring". And, while I'm sure he's right that that would track with more people than, say, strings like "post-coital shiver", I just can't be who I'm not. You know? For good or for granted, I suppose.


I was in a fairly confrontational and exhausted state when I made that Robot Karaoke image last time. I'm not sure it completely captures the spirit of drunkenly singing your favorite songs to a bar full of equally inebriated strangers, but I do feel like that lama shooting an orange laser beam from its eye does communicate something about this existence we've all found ourselves in. So I'm gonna keep it.

As you know, Robot Karaoke is always free. We'll get started around 8pm.

Tomorrow the Norwood Park Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual Bourbon Trail. There's still time to sign up. Do that here:

NEXT WEDNESDAY! March 6th, from 6-8pm, we're hosting our 2nd Annual Girl Scout Cookie Pairing and cookie sale. Come enjoy a pairing of 4 Girl Scout cookies with 4 of our IBW beers, personally -EXCRUTIATINGLY - engineered by our head brewer, Brian Buckman. For $20 you get 4 IBW beers paired with 4 Girl Scout cookies and a chaser of Trust to cleanse your pallet between bites. Support your local Girl Scouts, drink beer and eat cookies. This is precisely what Ghandi or Churchill or Paracelsus would have done.

We're packaging a new batch of Mr. Monk's Cream Ale and some more Orange Sunshine on Monday. But, have I showed you what we packaged this previous Monday, like 3 days ago?

PEACOCK ANGEL is our most recent Double Dry Hopped Double IPA. This one is smothered and covered with 66lbs of Mosaic, Waimea, Rakau & Vic's Secret hops. And it's good. So come on down to our fuzzy little freak of a tap room and get yourself some on draft or in 4-packs to go while they last.

If I haven't mentioned it yet, 2024 is going to be our best, most exciting year yet. And we know excitement around here. We're like the Maggie Thatcher of excitement. The Rube Goldberg of surprise. We're like the Meatloaf of anticipation.

For instance - put this on your calendars - on Sunday April 28th we've got author and all around mensch of a cascadingly smart gentleman Erik Davis coming to our little beer hovel to sign and read from his new book BLOTTER: THE UNTOLD STORY OF AN ACID MEDIUM. His book tells the wild story of the development and distribution of Acid Blotter Art from cheap and efficient drug medium to highly curious underground artifact with beautiful photographs from Mark McClouds "Museum of Illegal Images". I've been trying to convince Erik to come out here and do a beer with us since 2017 when he released his magnum opus "High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica and Visionary Experience in the 1970's" and I've finally tricked him into it. You're one shot at getting our collaboration beer is going to be on the day of the event. Stay tuned for more information on this.

We're teaming up with our friends at Bucket-O-Blood and Aeriz cannabis to bring you an event unlike any other. Don't miss this.

OK, that's all I've got. Back to work!

80s Dance Party, Simpsons Trivia & Free Music @ IBW Lodge #1!

80s Dance Party Tonight!

The Simpson's Themed Trivia Sunday Feb 25 @ 3pm

Small Awesome & Brian Pennington Live Sunday Feb 25 @ 530pm

Kreeper is back!

As I'm sure most of you can understand, its been very difficult time for us here at IBW, but we are focused on continuing to move forward even in the wake of the horrific murder of Laura Palmer 35 years ago today in that strange little suburb of Seattle. But go on we must. I think that's what Laura would want us to do.

It's a big weekend at IBW Lodge #1!

We've got a brand-spanking new batch of KREEPER IPA on draft and in 4-packs ready to go home with you and snuggle. KREEPER is a bit more traditional of an IPA then what we are often making. There's a little bit of caramel malt in this one and, since it's clear and not hazy, you can use your pint like a magnifying glass while you're doing crossword puzzles. But the star of KREEPER is the Nelson Suavin dry hops. So, if you dig those white wine and gooseberry notes in your beer, KREEPER is your spirit animal.

As a Captain of Industry, people often ask me what's the most important lesson for running wildly successful, multi-national corporation. And I always tell them the first thing they taught me at the Alfred E. Neuman School of Voodoo Economics is that you've got to be flexible and change with the times. If the people scream for blood, you give them blood. If they want to dance, then bring them to the dance. So, ladies and gentlemen, you spoke and we listened.

DJ RISKY BIZNESS is going to throw you in his DeLorean and deliver ye back to a time when 
the shorts were short and the sock were long and no one had any clue what kinds of horrors lay in wait for the unsuspecting teens when they grew up and got a job. Throw on your leotards and leg warmers, throw your hair back in a scrunchy and get your jazzed-up self down to IBW Lodge #1 tonight for our first All 80's Dance Party. Music will start around 8.

Sunday, February 25th @ 3pm join Mean Mike, the Coca-Cola Kid, for another round of THE SIMPSONS themed team trivia. This one is going to focus entirely on Season 6.

Teams of up to 6 players will compete for The Simpsons collectibles and access to a degree of self-satisfaction only dreamed of previously.

Check out these prizes for tomorrow!

And then, once the Simpsons Trivia is over and the heroes have been branded appropriately, we've got another FREE LIVE SHOW of all original music from another couple great Chicago outfits.

Apparently the designer was in the throws of a prettay rough PCP experience when they made this flyer, so you can disregard the "21+" collection of numbers and special characters. We know not what it means.

If you need to figure out if your tastes are up to the high standards of our booking team, you can check out Small Awesome's dossier here.

And, hey, while I've got your ear and eye  (if I still do!), mark your calendars as we're going to celebrate Leap Year Day with some Robot Karaoke! 

Stay strong!
Never forget!
See you tonight!

You can see all of our events on our event calendar at

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at

Walk-up Tarot Readings @ IBW Lodge #1

Real quick! 

We've had so many requests for a Tarot reader at the Lodge, we've finally managed to find one that we think is worth your time.

The Demon Cleaner will be here Wednesday February 21st from 6p-9p to do walk-up readings. No reservations, first come, first served. I'd love to offer this service on a more regular basis, but it all depends on your interest and support. 

So, come on out and orient your brains for the year ahead.

You can see all of our events on our event calendar at

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at

Spiral-Out of Dry January @ IBW Lodge #1

What's worse: Dry January or having to spend time alone with your thoughts while pretending you're not a committed parishioner in the church of the BIG DRINK for 3 weeks?

Both, dummy!! It's always both.

So, to help you get over strange aspirations made in the fits of holiday desperations and sugar-psychosis, you're half-witted friends at IBW have 3 life changing events this weekend. And, the first one is TONIGHT!

ROBOT KARAOKE is back! It looks like we're gonna start doing this on a weekly basis, but, the journey of a thousand lost memories begins with TONIGHT.

Get your song together and get over here. We'll start around 8:30. The only thing worse than an unattended Karaoke session is being sober, so, do the right thing and GET HERE TONIGHT AND DRINK BEER.

And then, on Saturday, we've got a Big Flipping Deal!

Everything you need to know (about this event) is right up there in the flyer. Don't make me repeat myself. FREE COMEDY! FREE DJ! NEW IBW BEER! PIZZA from Chicago's best NY-Style pizza pushers, MAX & ISSY'S. The pizza starts at 6pm, the show starts at 7:30pm. DJ Adderall Spritz starts RIGHT after the show.

And then, holy smokes, SUNDAY @ 5pm we've got CMON INEED YR HLP doing a rare live performance. I don't have a flyer for this, but I'll link to their band camp page. These guys are fantastic. And I'm usually pretty picky and kind of a dick about music. So, TRUST ME. :) This is a FREE SHOW and it starts around 5pm. 


You can see all of our events on our event calendar at

You can see what's currently on tap at IBW LODGE #1 at